Friday, July 31, 2009


On Monday, the four of us took a (truly awful) train to the great little town of Ventimiglia on the Italian Riviera, where I studied the Barma Grande crania. While I didn’t get to spend much time enjoying the incredibly beautiful Mediterranean beaches, Tressa, Mel, and Joe rented a seaside umbrella and laid-out to soak up the rays. I on the other hand spent pretty much the whole day trying to figure out where the museum was (it’s not actually in Ventimiglia), communicating with museum staff in broken French, measuring the crania, and attempting to find a taxi to avoid having to haul my equipment the 8 km back to the train station on foot (it was “tres chaud” that day).

The Barma Grande crania

After finally getting the whole taxi thing sorted out, we all spent a little time on the beach, and then ate dinner at a little seaside restaurant. Tressa and I split a terrific “frutti di mare” pizza covered in mussels, clams, calamari, and all sorts of other great seafood.

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