Saturday, January 23, 2010

New York City

I arrived in New York in mid-October to begin work at the American Museum of Natural History where I studied the museum's cranial collection looking at European, Eskimo, and Australian skulls. The curator, Gisselle Garcia-Pack, was incredibly helpful and I had a lot of fun overhearing some of the ridiculous phone calls she had to deal with. My personal favorite was lady who wanted to know if Gisselle (a skeletal biologist) could tell her if the pot she just found was Native American over the phone (only slightly better than the guy who called saying he had figured out the "secret" behind racial skin color). My very humble Upper West Side lodgings on 94th and Broadway provided me with a really enjoyable walk everyday to the museum on 77th and Columbus, and the weather cooperated most of the time too. As with D.C., Tressa was able to spend a weekend visiting and we managed to see most of the major sites such as Central Park, Grand Central Station, Ground Zero, the New York Stock Exchange, and the Statue of Liberty.

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